DCA Strategy (hourly, daily, weekly) (Reddit Bitcoin)

So i saw some data online which reaches back to 2017 and has hourly ohlc prices (binance – seems to be utc). i took the data with my friend chatgpt to analyze (i am no data analyst… insert *i have no idea what i am doing*-meme here) but i wanted to check how big the difference between hourly dca, daily dca (at different times) and weekly dca (with different days and times) is …

the results show that in the worst case there is a deviation of around 4% from the best strategy.

however, both the best and the worst strategy is consistently a weekly one (surprise).

if you want to minimise this risk a daily dca makes sense. whereas an hourly dca is only moderately useful. if you catch the worst time of the day it is only 0.3-0.4% deviation (depending on the time period considered) – but still only 24 orders and not 720, if someone is tracking this for tax reasons.



submitted by /u/quaqu4
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