Why Is It That A Pig Butchering Scam Lasts For 6, 7 Months on WhatsApp And Nobody Does NOTHING?

Sill learning. Not that I want somebody to do what I need to do in terms of protecting myself. I learned my lesson. But, right now there are a number of pig butchering scams running on WhatsApp that we know about. People come to this forum denouncing, asking questions, complaining because they already see they are trapped. The scams have been going on for a couple months, and despise all that, scamming operations keep on running free and in plain sight until the end, until they soak everybody they can, for the next 2, 3 or 4 months. WhatsApp does nothing. Authorities do not intervene. Why? What in the world is going on? I am honest with this. What is it that everybody knows in terms of “there is nothing anybody can do about it” that I don’t know.

submitted by /u/crypto_fan_not_lover
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